About This Project:

This is less a blog and more of an organization tool. I will not be posting reviews of these books, I already have a book blog for that purpose.
This is just a way to get all those books that we know about/have heard about organized and done in a way that people can search. If nothing else, consider this the ultimate rec list. I will be putting all major books here. Popular books, bestsellers, award winners, books made into movies/tv shows, widely known books and those books that everyone recommends.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Book: The Divine Comedy

Title: The Divine Comedy
Author: Dante Aligheri
Published: 1321
Category: Classics/Plays
Genre: Drama
Pages: 677 (for this edition)
Summary on Goodreads: Dante Alighieri was born in Florence in 1265 and belonged to a noble but impoverished family. His life was divided by political duties and poetry, the most of famous of which was inspired by his meeting with Bice Portinari, whom he called Beatrice,including La Vita Nuova and The Divine Comedy. He died in Ravenna in 1321.

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