About This Project:

This is less a blog and more of an organization tool. I will not be posting reviews of these books, I already have a book blog for that purpose.
This is just a way to get all those books that we know about/have heard about organized and done in a way that people can search. If nothing else, consider this the ultimate rec list. I will be putting all major books here. Popular books, bestsellers, award winners, books made into movies/tv shows, widely known books and those books that everyone recommends.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Book: The White Tiger

Title: The White Tiger
Author: Aravind Adiga
Published: 2008
Category: Adult Fiction
Genre:Realistic Fiction
Pages: 320
Summary on Goodreads: The white tiger of this novel is Balram Halwai, a poor Indian villager whose great ambition leads him to the zenith of Indian business culture, the world of the Bangalore entrepreneur. On the occasion of the president of China’s impending trip to Bangalore, Balram writes a letter to him describing his transformation and his experience as driver and servant to a wealthy Indian family, which he thinks exemplifies the contradictions and complications of Indian society.

The White Tiger recalls The Death of Vishnu and Bangkok 8 in ambition, scope, and narrative genius, with a mischief and personality all its own. 

Note: Man Booker Prize winner of 2008

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